This year, in July, I will be living in Germany for six years. In this blog post I will summarize some memories and lessons what may be useful for you as well
- not only when you move abroad.
If you follow my work, you may think that all this is what I do or I've achieved is the question of talent or luck. Well, none of them.
I owe my first four months to my cousin because I could live with him without any material expense. During this time I started working in a fast food restaurant in a nearby town where I went every day with a bicycle. 8-10 hours of work time and 12 kilometers of daily cycling can be quite tiring. In addition, I did body weight workouts because I had no money for the gym. After a few months and a lot of "no" I found an apartment near the restaurant where I worked and again, thanks to my cousin who gave me furniture, I could move in. Life started right here. My restaurant revenue barely covered my expenses, which had at the beginning a big impact on my everyday life. I knew I had a lot more in me, so I worked more in the restaurant and went to a language school. The lessons usually started at 6 pm and did not want to miss, so I organised to start later, at 9 pm, and my working time was often at dawn, two, three or four.
I learned quickly - what my bosses recognized soon and I got more serious tasks with more money and a car. That's in 2.5 years. Many people would have been happy with this.
The only highlight in my life at that time was that I could go to CrossFit trainings in Heidelberg, where the community was good and finally felt a bit at home again in a healthy environment. Here, I had the opportunity to coach classes in my free time.
It was a task for me, as I was able to speak not only in German but also in English, and I learned a few words in several other languages.
It wasn't easy either, but I learned that if I work hard and smart enough, then I can get what I want. I went from part time job to a full time job in the gym, left the restaurant, and I am working now as a head coach.
Since, I live in Heidelberg - one of the most beautiful cities I've seen so far - and I work on developing my own brand.
Have I had any difficulties? Every day. Didn't I know what to do? Sure.
Have I ever been laughed at or been looked down because I couldn't express myself nicely? Yes, often.
Five years have passed and I am grateful for every failure, because I have learned to get the most out of myself even when I'm not in my best form.
I have learned a lot about myself and using negative energy I have developed a lot.
Today, I am helping people to be strong both physically and mentally, not just in the gym, but in everyday life.
I get an incredible amount of love and support. It is an uplifting feeling to see how much I affect my environment.
What I can give you as an advice from this entry is to work on your thoughts. They will be your actions, and your actions will produce results.
Set goals for yourself and work on them every day. Smile if you encounter difficulties or a new task, because that means you can learn something new, be better, and you can be more successful.
There's a lot more in you than you think! Take your foot off the brake and show the world what is inside you...
...because you have a treasure you have to share with us.
Love you,