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AutorenbildLajos Kiss

How do you achieve your goals in 2019?

The previous entry was about the New Year's vows and it is related to it today.

Once you have written your annual goals, you have explained why it is important to you and you have started to integrate into your everyday life, you feel better, you have a sense of success, everything is great.

But there are days when you get out of bed with your left foot and you feel like you're not in shape. It seems easier to relieve your mood with a chocolate bar, it seems easier on the day not to go to workout, it seems easier not to get out of the apartment.

But that's not the case!

These are the days that make you stronger. You need to concentrate more on your goals so that you can stay on track, and if you think back later and recall yourself that despite the difficulties you could say no to seduction, you went to train despite your tiredness, and you went out and went to the nature to feel much better.

This experience of success will encourage you to continue what you started into.


The three most important things in these moments for me are:

- Focus - I ask myself what is the most important thing at the moment I need to pay attention to what is going ahead.

- Grit - "What is grit, really? It's a word that's been used to describe everything under the sun, but it means something specific:

when things get hard, you push harder; when you fail, you get back up stronger; when you don't see results, you don't get discouraged, but you just continue to pound away day after day after day, with relentlessness, consistency, heart and passion-that's grit."/Ben Bergeron/

- Continuity - Whatever new goal you set yourself, life must always test you and you have to develop to be successful. After each well-resolved situation, the next major challenge will come. You must be constantly strong mentally on the path you have chosen for yourself.

Because don't forget, you choose!


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